Incident Report #79 2017
An elderly woman fell and was knocked unconscious. The team was called and she was evacuated to the valley for onward transport to hospital
She also broke her arm in the fall
An elderly woman fell and was knocked unconscious. The team was called and she was evacuated to the valley for onward transport to hospital
She also broke her arm in the fall
A woman taking part in a challenge walk slipped and fractured her ankle. She was initially treated by medics accompanying the group, then subsequently by team members, then evacuated by team members, with help from Kendal MRT
A man was taken ill with chest pains at Stake Pass. He was treated by team members and then evacuated to hospital by air ambulance
A male, known to be insulin dependant, became ill. He was treated by team members and evacuated
A woman sustained an ankle inury when she jumped into a pool while ghyll scrambling. Helpfully, she managed to get herself out of the water, where she was treated and evacuated
A young male, ghyll scrambling with an organised group, fell and sustained leg and arm injuries. He was given pain relief and his injuries were splinted and he was evacuated froma moderately challenging position at the bottom of a waterfall. He was tranferred to an ambulance in the valley bottom
A man slipped and fell around 5 metres sustaining a shoulder injury along with other potemtial injuries. He was treated by team members and air ambulance paramedics and then evacuated by Coastguard helicopter to Preston
A woman sustained an ankle injury when she fell. Unfortunately she wasn't able to give a precise location, so a protracted search had to be mounted. She was located and evacuated from an very obscure place!
A woman sustained a suspected lower leg fracture when she slipped. She was treated by team members and evacuated to an ambulance
A man was reported as collapsed with CPR in progress.
The team attended along with air ambulance, but sadly the man was pronounced as deceased at the scene
A 65-year-old man collapsed. Despite attempts by passersby and team, team members and air ambulance paramedics, he was pronounced deceased. He was evacuated to Ambleside
A man sustained a lower leg injury when he slipped. He was treated by team members and stretchered to a team vehicle for transport to an anmbulance in Ambleside
Two people were reported cragfast on Raven Crag, Langdale. Investigation proved they were OK, so we stood down
An 82-year-old man fell and sustained wrist and facial injuries. He was treated by team members and evacuated to a waiting ambulance for onward travel to hospital
A group of four males became exhausted after going a long way off thier intended route. We set off to retrieve them, onlt to discover that they'd been assisted from the hill by other people
An elderly male sustained a head injury in a fall. He was treated and evacuated to an air ambulance for evacuation
A group of 10 were delayed when one of their number was slowed down by injury, cold and fatigue. They were located near Red Tarn and assisted down
A woman sustained a susoected lower leg fracture when she slipped on a steep section of path. She was treated by members of LAMRT and RAF Leeeming MRT and evacuated to the valley. Injuries to team member sustained on the descent have proved not to be serious, but may take some time to recoer from.
A male was reported as despondent and missing in the area. He was located in Rossett Ghyll and assisted down. We were assisted by Coniston MRT
Female with lower leg fracture at the top of Dungeon Ghyll. The team assisted in loading the casualty in to an aor ambulance for evacuation to hospital
A couple were reported overdue from a walk in Langdale. They turned up while a preliminary search was being carried out
A young man suffered an ankle injury on the Stickle Tarn path. He was treated by the team and evacuated by stretcher
We were requested to assist the ambulance service to recover a female with a suspected lower leg fracture.
A young female was reported suffering from heat stroke at Angle Tarn. The team was mobilised and was on the way up Rossett Ghyll when were notified that she had been recovered by air ambulance
A male suffered a recurrence of a previously dislocated shoulder while ascending Jack's Rake. Climbers on the crag were able to assist him to the bottom of the crag, and we recovered him from there
Male with head injury in Oxendale. Rescued by the team and air ambulance
Flashing lights were reported in area of White Ghyll/Scout Crag. We investigated, and although we saw the lights, they were not flashing a recognised distress signal, nor responding to our attempts to communicate, so we went home. We did see shooting stars, a satellite, and with Lancaster Universities aurora alert showing high activity there was a possibility of Northern Lights being spotted. The aurora proved as elusive as the source of the flashing lights so we went home
A pregnant woman in a large group started suffering abdominal pains at the dam at Stickle Tarn. The team responded and an air ambulance was requested to assist. She was treated and evacuated by air ambulance. The remainder of the group, of very variable ages, fitness and equipment levels were assisted down the hill. One of our more 'interesting' adventures this year...
Shouts for help were heard in the vicinity of Hell Ghyll. Checks were carried out in the area but nothing was found. False alarm with good intent
A 75-year-old female took a tumble while taking an 'interesting' route from Lingmoor. She sustained a head injury. She was treated and evacuated by Coastguard helicopter