Fly a helicopter
Fancy flying a helicopter on a rescue mission?
Rockface Rescue is a game from the BBC website that puts in charge of the controls of a search and rescue helicopter.
Colour Me!
Download this picture, and colour it in!
Read Me!
Call Out the Mountain Rescue
a poem by Pam Ayres
Call out the Mountain Rescue!
I came up for a lark,
But the night is getting chilly,
And the fells are getting dark,
My shoe's lost its stiletto heel,
My frock is feeling thin,
Call out the Mountain Rescue,
And let's get taken in.
Call out the Mountain Rescue!
Let them search the hills and vales,
Swathed in ropes and cables,
Like a team of Chippendales,
Release the search and rescue dogs!
They'll find me by smell,
I ate a Kendal Mint Cake,
And I'm wearing my Chanel.
Call out the Mountain Rescue!
I am stranded on a crag,
My hairstyle's badly damaged
And I've snapped my shoulder bag,
I'm utterly exhausted,
Cannot move another inch,
So hail the helicopter
I am ready for the winch.
Call out the Mountain Rescue!
Wrap me warm and well
Lay me on a stretcher bed
And bear me down the fell.
Heal me with your tenderness,
Drench me with your sorrow,
Drop me off at home
I'll call you out again tomorrow.