Incident Report #5 2025
A fellrunner slipped on snow v=covered ground sustaining a fracture/dislocation of the ankle. He was treated by the team and evacuated to a waiting NWAS ambulance
A fellrunner slipped on snow v=covered ground sustaining a fracture/dislocation of the ankle. He was treated by the team and evacuated to a waiting NWAS ambulance
A competitor in a fell race took a tumble and sustained facial injuries. Initially assisted by race Marshall’s before being met by team members and assisted the rest of the way off
A competitor in a race sustained an ankle injury. He was treated and evacuated
A male participant in an organised event suffered from heat exhaustion while competing, resulting in collapse
He was treated by team members and evacuated to an ambulance
Team members travelled to the Cross Fell area to assist with a large scale search that was taking place for an overdue fellrunner. Sadly, the male was located, sadly deceased around midday
A fellrunner suffered a serious and nasty knee injury when he slipped .
He was treated by team members and was evacuated by air ambulance
A competitor in a fell race took a tumbling fall, sustaining a nasty head injury. He was treated and evacuated to hospital by Coastguard helicopter
We joined Kendal MRT on Thornthwaite Beacon to rescue a fellrunner with a lower leg injury.
Splint applied, pain dealt with, stretcher off... you know the story...
A further competitor in the same event also collapsed with dehydration and exhaustion. Treated by event medics and evacuated by the team
A male competitor in an organised event collapsed, suffering from dehydration on a very hot day. He was initally treated by event medics then evacuated by the team
A competitor in a fell race sustained a suspected lower leg fracture when she slipped. She was treated and evacuated by the team
A fellrunner fell and sustained cut and got stuck on steep ground. He called for help but was vague about his location. In the process of trying to locate him and carrying out the essential initial COVID 19 risk assessment, he decided he could self-rescue and did so.
We stood down and went home
A fellrunner slipped on damp ground and twisted his knee, leaving him unable to continue. In a procedure new to us, he was COVID 19 risk assessed, treated by team members and evacuated. Fortunately his injury was not serious and the service of our over stretched ambulance service was not required for transport to hospital
The health and safety of our team members will always remain our first priority
A runner became lost and disorientated in poor weather near Fairfield summit. He was located and escorted down in very challenging weather conditions with help from Kendal MRT
A fellrunner went over on her ankle, hearing a crack. She sustained a suspected fracture to her ankle and cuts to her other knee. She was treated and evacuated by stretcher
A competitor in a long distance fell race ground to a halt after becoming disoriented.
He was located using the race tracking system and then by team members and evacuated from the hill
A competitor in a fell race injured her knee when she took a tumble near the Bad Step. She was initially taken care of by race marshals and then treated by team members. She was evacuated by a Coastguard helicopter that was training in the area
We were assisted by Kendal MRT
A fellrunner sustained a suspected ankle fracture. He was treated by team members and evacuated
A male fellrunner was reported with a head injury a the top of Raise Beck. A woman desended to raise the alarm. The team met the male on the ascent starting to make his own way down. He was treated and assisted off the hill.
A fellrunner sustained a lower leg injury when she slipped
The team were called, along with Gtreat North Air Ambulance to attend a male who had collapsed while taking part in a fell race on Loughrigg. Sadly, he was declared to have died at the scene and his body was recovered to Ambleside
The team wiahes to pass its best wishes to the runner's family, friends and the close-knit fellrunning community
A second competitor in the same event tripped and sustained a serious, deep cut to her knee. She was treated by team members and evacuated by stretcher for ongoing transport to hosptal. An air ambulance was requested to assist, but was unable to help due to weather conditions
A fellrunner took a tumble and sustained a nasty cut to his head. The team was called and an air ambulance also attended. He was airlifted to the valley floor and transferred to an ambulance
A third fell race competitor was injured in a fall, this time fracturing a wrist. This incident was also reported separately at two different locations, but confirmed near the summit of Bowfell. This incident was delegated primarily to Kendal MRT. The casualty was picked up by the helicopter, still with the previous casualty on board, and taken to hospital.