Incident Report #4 2025
An 11-year-old female suffered a lower leg injury. She was treated and evacuated in very icy conditions
An 11-year-old female suffered a lower leg injury. She was treated and evacuated in very icy conditions
A male suffered injuries in a fall on Gibson Knott and we having trouble finding his way off. He was eventually located lower down and assisted the rest of the way
A wild-camper had a change of heart when he realised he’d omitted to pack his tent pegs. Deciding to abandon his camping plans, he was unable to find his way off. He was assisted by team members
A man became unwell while walking. He was treated by team members and evacuated by stretcher to an ambulance
A male sustained an ankle injury on Gibson Knott. He was treated by team members and evacuated to the valley
The team was called to a male who was reported as having collapsed on Gibson Knott. We requeste air ambulance to attend. Unfortunately the man was confirmed to have died at the scene, depsite the efforts of bystanders who had administered CPR
A group of three, seperated from the rest of their party ground to a halt when darkness, fatigue and recurring injuries got the better of them. They were located using our SARLOC tool and evacuated to Grasmere
A woman sustained a lower leg injury when she tripped. The team assisted with getting her to an air ambulance.
A man slipped on wet ground and sustained a lower leg injury. It wasn't easy to locate him, since he had no map or other means of determining his position. He did have a pamphlet describing his walk, and luckily the weather was clear, so we could spot him once we were in the area. He wasn't anywhere close to a path when he was located.
A couple became disorientated on the ridge between Calf Crag and Gibson Knott after what was probably an over-ambitious walk from Buttermere. They were given directions and advice, but still made very slow progress. A team vehicle was dispatched to provide a blue light to aim for in the valley and a team member walked up to meet them, and assist with luggage!
The Team went to the assistance of a 49 year old female from Leeds who slipped on very wet fellside and suffered a fracture to her lower leg.
A woman sustained a suspected fractured ankle when she tripped near Gibson Knott. She was treated at the scene and then stretchered down into Greenburn. It was a beautiful summers evening, and the stroll was enjoyed by everyone, except, possibly our casualty.
A 66-year-old man slipped and sustained an knee injury. He was treated at the scene and was airlifted to hospital by a helicopter working in the area.
While the previous incident was ongoing a second casualty was reported on Calf Crag, his knee having given way and being unable to walk as a result.
A woman sustained a hip or pelvic injury when she slipped on the path near Gibson Knott. They attempted to walk off, but the lady was in too much pain. The team was called out, and the lady was stretchered down to the valley for onward transport to hospital.
We were requested to assist a woman who had sustained a knee injury near Gibson Knott. A few remaining team members were dispatched to start this rescue, with backup provided by Kendal MRT..<br /><br />...Having completed this rescue, it became obvious that the earlier one was not going to be easy. Having gained access to the ledge, it was proving very difficult to extract the woman without inflicting masses of pain. Kendal MRT had joined us to assist and the specialist expertise on rock removal was requested from Clapham based Cave Rescue Organisation.