Far Easedale

Incident Report #36 2025

A woman tumbled backwards while crossing a stream and hit her head. She suffered cuts and impaired consciousness at that point. The team was mobilised along with a Coastguard helicopter from Prestwick. After assessment by a team doctor it was established that she would be able to walk a down with assistance and the helicopter was stood down

Man Hours
15 team members for 4 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #4 2024

A woman reported double ankle injuries in a slip. She tried to continue to move but was unable. The team was called, with Kendal MRT assisting. The woman was winched in to Rescue 199 Coastguard helicopter and her husband and dog returned to the valley in the company of team members

Man Hours
10 team members for 3 hours plus Kendal MRT and Rescue 199
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #33

While the previous incident was still ongoing, we were requested to attend to an injured person who had reported themselves near Easedale Tarn. Investigation revealed that they were at Pike of Carrs on the other side of Far Easedale. We were assisted in a lengthy rescue by Kendal MRT

Man Hours
10 team members for 4.75 hours, plus Kendal MRT
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #50 2018

A search was organised for a male who was reported overdue from a walk from Rosthwaite to Grasmere. He was eventually located in Grasmere, his phone battery having gone flat, and had forgotten where he was supposed to be staying and was trying to find a someone who could lend he a phone charger. We were assisted by Keswick MRT
Man Hours
8 team members for 3.5 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #88 2017

An elderly male was reported as unwell and hypothermic at the top of Far Easedale. The team was mobilised and assistance was provided by Helimed 58. The man was airlfited to hospital and his friends were escorted from the hill through some pretty damp conditions

Man Hours
10 team members for 3 hours, plus Kendal MRT
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #65 2017

We were all just about to go home from the previous rescue when we were notified of a male who had collapsed, exhausted and unwell. He was treated by team members and evacuated to a point from where the air ambulance could take him on to hospital


Midges turned out in force

Man Hours
15 team members for 3 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #58 2017

A team member who is part of the Fix the Fells team was at work at the top of Far Easedale when she encountered a man struggling with an ankle injury. The situation was complicated by his wife struggling with an asthma attack. She and her colleague started to assist the couple down, and alerted the team to assist. We responded and assisted the couple to Grasmere

Man Hours
15 team members for 4 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference