Incident Report #30 2008

We were requested to assist a woman who had sustained a knee injury near Gibson Knott. A few remaining team members were dispatched to start this rescue, with backup provided by Kendal MRT..<br /><br />...Having completed this rescue, it became obvious that the earlier one was not going to be easy. Having gained access to the ledge, it was proving very difficult to extract the woman without inflicting masses of pain. Kendal MRT had joined us to assist and the specialist expertise on rock removal was requested from Clapham based Cave Rescue Organisation. Their equipment and personnel were lifted up by RAF helicopter to speed things up, with darkness now approaching. Assistance was also requested from a Patterdale MRT doctor, with a view to being able to anaesthetise the woman to extract her without pain. Before this plan was put into action the CRO efforts paid off and the woman was freed. Everyone was returned to the valley and a very lengthy and difficult rescue ended.

Man Hours
12, plus Kendal MRT
Incident Type
Unique Incident ID