Local Incident

Incident Report #12 2016

There was initial confusion over the location of this incident, with NWAS reporting it at Troutbeck and Police reporting at Storrs. The team as responding when we were notifiied by police that incident could be resolved at Storrs without our help. We went home to bed...

Man Hours
7 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #20 2014

A small group of team members assisted Patterdale MRT with an incident in their area. Our Autopulse was deployed and our team doctor flew to hospital in a Royal Navy Seaking with the casualty and Autopulse. Keswick MRT, Cumbria Fire Service, NWAS and police were all involved.

Man Hours
4 team members for 3 hours
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #17 2014

A young male was reported overdue at the guest house where he was staying. Over three separate periods large area of varying terrain was searched without finding the man

We were assisted by dogs and handlers from LDMRSD and a dedicated trailing dog from Lancashire


Update: 15.04.14. A body, identifies as Matthew Jordan was located in Rayrigg Wyke, Windermere today. 


Man Hours
17 team members for 7 hours, 9 team members for 3 hours, 7 team members for 3 hours, plus search dogs
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #86 2013

We were requested to assisted in locating a vulnerable young woman who was reported missing and thought to be in the vicinity of the River Brathay. A search was organised and assistance was requested from Kendal MRT and SARDA. She was located around 10:30 by police.
Man Hours
15 team members for 4 hours, plus Kendal MRT and SARDA
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference

Incident Report #16 2013

We'd done quite well to avoid the mayhem that has hit Cumbria over the last 36 hours, but there was no way we ciould be left out. A motorist was recovered after he got his car stuck when he followed his sat-nav on to a minor road. While we were there we had to recover another motorist who blundered in to us. Luckily both were able to turn back before they were presented with the descent of Red Bank.
Man Hours
2 team members for 1 hour
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference