Incident Report #137 2010
A mountain biker sustained facial injuries, including a suspected fractured jaw when he fell off his bike.
A mountain biker sustained facial injuries, including a suspected fractured jaw when he fell off his bike.
A rare rescue on two counts. Firstly it was before lunch; secondly it was a mountain biker. A young local man fell from his bike when his seat snapped off. He sustained injuries to his shoulder, lower back, pelvic area, knee, and hand. He was treated at the scene by team members and evacuated to hospital by the Great North Air Ambulance.
A 22-year-old man crashed on his mountain bike and sustained head and spinal injuries, and multiple grazes. He was treated at the scene, placed on a vacuum mattress and carried to an ambulance. His bike was badly damaged!
A 23-year-old female mountain biker parted company with her bike. She suffered cuts, bruises and grazes to her forearm and hip, and a bang on the head (wearing a helmet). An issue of great concern to most cyclists, her bike was relatively undamaged!
A man fell off the back of his bike after he failed to climb a steep, rocky track, sustaining a head injury in the process. We did our stuff and he was taken to hospital for treatment.
A second male competitor, this time 34 years old, fell off his bike. He sustained a suspected serious arterial bleed to his leg. An ambulance was called, but an RAF helicopter came into the area on a routine training exercise and flew the casualty to hospital.
A 47-year-old male Polaris Mountain Bike Challenge competitor fell while trying to get off his bike. He sustained a suspected fractured ankle. An ambulance was called, and then we were called to assist.
A 17-year-old girl from Gargrave, Skipton suffered an asthma attack while on a mountain bike trip. An ambulance was called, but our help was required to get her to the road.
A 37-year-old female mountain biker sustained head, facial and knee injuries when she fell off her bike on the Garburn Road.
A 24-year-old male mountain biker took a fall on Loughrigg Terrace.
Two 17 year olds were reported overdue. Both reported to Police in Keswick safe and well after a short search with help from Furness MRT.
64 year old man suffered a heart attack and was airlifted to hospital by RAF Boulmer.
A female mountain biker sustained an ankle fracture when she parted company with bike. There's no accounting for her friends! <a href="">More pictures</a>
A man sustained serious shoulder injuries when he fell from his mountain bike. We were called to assist the ambulance service with his evacuation to Great North Air Ambulance for transport to West Cumberland Hospital.
A solo male mountain biker was reported overdue after setting off late in the afternoon. Working with Keswick MRT, a search was organised including the bridleways across the central fells, and Greenup Edge, Grasmere. He turned up at his accommodation in Grasmere at about 4am, having had something of an epic day, including a couple of minor falls and a navigational error that meant he returned via Keswick.
A 17-year old male sustained a serious pelvic injury when he fell off his mountain bike. He was evacuated from the fell and transferred to an ambulance.