Incident Report #32 2025
Two people became benighted on Low Pike. They were located and escorted off
Two people became benighted on Low Pike. They were located and escorted off
A woman in a party of two suffered a suspected sprained ankle which led them to make very slow progress. They called for help and we were able to meet them and drive them the final kilometre or so of the hill
A male slipped and sustained a fracture/dislocation of the ankle. He was treated and then evacuated by air ambulance
One of a party of two men was unable to continue after a long walk. He was assisted off by team members
A woman suffered a suspected sprained ankle when she slipped. She was treated and evacuated by the team
A woman slipped and sustained a fracture to her ankle. She was treated and evacuated by team members with assistance from Kendal MRT
A woman slipped and sustained a lower leg injury near Low Pike. She was treated by team members and evacuated by stretcher
A lone female became cragfast on her descent of Low Pike having almost completed the Fairfield Horseshoe.
She was located and assisted down
While incident 65 was still ongoing we had to muster a few more team members to recover three benighted. They were located and escorted off
A competitor in a fell race sustained a suspected lower leg fracture when she slipped. She was treated and evacuated by the team
Saturday, 3 August, 2019 - 12:49
A female walking with her friend near Low Pike started vomiting uncontrollably. She was treated by team members and stretchered off.
A fellrunner sustained a lower leg injury when she slipped
An elderley woman became lost and exhausted while walking with a small group. Initially thought to be in Patterdale MRT's are, a SARLOC locations placced her on Low Pike. She was treated and evacuated by team members
Two people reported themselves unable to find their way from the Low Pike area. They were located by team members and assisted from the hill.
A woman slipped and sustained a suspected fractured ankle. She was treated by the team and evacuated by stretcher
A man slipped and sustained a suspected lower leg fracture. He was treated and evacuated by Air Ambulance