Easedale Tarn

Incident Report #5 1997

As a student at one of Britains esteemed Red Brick Universities, we were forced to question the judgement of this 20-year-old woman, when she went for a 'stroll' and ended up cragfast in an ice filled gully above Easedale Tarn. She can consider herself lucky that her cries for help were heard by two passing walkers, who raised the alarm. It is unlikely she would have survive the night in the sub zero conditions.
Incident Type

Incident Report #20 1976

A 12 year old schoolgirl from Darwen, Lanes, slipped on wet grass and fractured her leg and ankle at Easedale Tarn, Grasmere. The team carried her down the fell on a stretcher and then by sitting car to Hospital in Kendal.
Footnote: Half way down the fellside we had another call to a serious accident at Pavey Ark. Three quarters of the team left to deal with the incident.

Incident Type

Incident Report #26 2001

We were called by a youth hostel manager who reported a
group of 45 kids and 6 adults in difficulty in the Easedale Tarn area! Team
members, along with Kendal MRT, regrouped and made their way to Grasmere.
Fortunately, the party was located by an advanced party from the team,
making their own way down. The leaders were 'interviewed' with respect to
their competence and responsibilities. Then...

Incident Type