An initially confusing and frustrating rescue, that eventually came to a successful conclusion. A young boy was reported as suffering a knee injury on the "path to Old Dungeon Ghyll". The problem is there are many! Searches of a good number of them found nothing, until a team member came across a man reporting a boy having been found next to Oxendale Beck, briefly unconscious and wet. See rescue 80. From this boy we were able to establish the approximate location of our first casualty. This was then confirmed when we spotted a man waving on the ridge above Browney Ghyll. We were led to the boy, who had been on a guided ghyll scrambling trip up the ghyll bed. He had a knee injury, and along with his two companions was very cold. He was treated by team members and and subsequently evacuated by RAF helicopter, thus avoiding a very difficult and technical stretcher descent.
Man Hours
10 team members for 5 hours, plus Kendal MRT
Incident Type
OS Grid Reference
Unique Incident ID