Incident Report #28 2025
A man got into difficulty when an old leg injury flared up and was unable to continue. He was treated and evacuated by team members
A man got into difficulty when an old leg injury flared up and was unable to continue. He was treated and evacuated by team members
A woman was unable to continue when she suffered knee pain
She was evacuated by stretcher
An elderly female sustained a wrist injury when she fell while descending Sour Milk Ghyll
She was treated by team members and evacuated
A woman was reported with a lower leg injury. She was treated and recovered by the team
The team assisted two people who had got themselves lost on rough and heavily overgrown ground above Grasmere
During a very bad thunderstorm, the Team, assisted by RAF Linton M.R.T, went to the aid of a 45 year old man from Winchester who had been struck by lightening and DIED. His wife sustained burnt feet and shock. The Teams conveyed the body down and escorted others to safety
We were called to assist a 23-year-old who had slipped and sustained an ankle injury. We did the business and went home.
No rest for the wicked. We'd barely packed up from the previous rescue when we were presented with another. A 19-year-old male