Two poorly equipped men became stuck somewhere on Crinkle Crags and phoned for help. They only had lightweight fleeces and waterproofs and the weather was as poor as predicted, with very strong winds and heavy rain. They had been heading north to Three Tarns, but having got in to difficulty around the Bad Step, decided to retrace their route to Red Tarn. They then became lost. They were located on Little Stand, some distance from their last known position and very cold and wet. Their evacuation was complicated by their cold and fatigue and a couple of swollen river crossings. They were reunited with their car at 02.45am.<br /><br />It's refreshing to see that we're carrying on in '08 exactly as we ended in '07. Went up one mountain, got lost and accidentally climbed another trying to find a way down.
Man Hours
90, plus 12 from Wasdale MRT and 4 SARDA dogs
Incident Type
Unique Incident ID